We Are The Ones You Have Waited For!
Fall Classes starting soon! Dictionary is exhaustive and available in both English and Spanish! (2 Ti. 2:15 KJV).

Dr. Chitwood has been teaching churches and nonprofits how to “Get Their House In Order” through Television, Radio, and Live Events. As a bes- selling author and speaker, he conducts over 200 conferences a year teaching compliance and financial accountability to over 20,000 attendees. Click the link above and Register to attend a Conference today! Equip yourself for victories and triumphs in all decency and order with ICCM World-Wide. HIS ROYAL MAJESTY GENERAL DR. MICHAEL CHITWOOD's Church & Ministry Tax Laws Conferences are worth attending. Earn participation Certificates, too! (1 Cor. 14:40 KJV).

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At Kingdom-Cooling Well Water Ministries, we invite you to be edified by Church Leaders sent by God for His Glory and live your best life following the Way of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!